Why did you start a travel agency after "retirement"?

Travel Memory Maker, LLC was inspired by a cherished family tradition of celebrating milestones birthday's at Disneyland. Founded after a memorable trip in July 2023, our business is rooted in the joy of shared experiences and the value of creating lasting memories without breaking the bank. We’re committed to helping families make the most of their travels with thoughtful planning and savings. 


Company Values
  1. Serve with honesty, integrity and the mindset of what would Jesus do?

  2. Ask for help when needed, and always be open to input for self or company improvement. 

  3. Use 2 ears for listening, ask clarifying questions and always assume good intent before speaking or sharing opinions. 

  4. Don't avoid conflict, seek understanding, and have frank and honest conversations with positive intent for the good of all. 

  5. Take personal responsibility for actions. Support and share process improvement analysis when challenges arise to learn from the experience not to blame or shame. 

  6. Weekly make the time to confirm alignment, so all are working toward same goals and understand measures of success. 

  7. Have fun, work productively, enjoy and appreciate the people you work for and with every day.